Ascension Dance

Your Toddler Needs to Dance!


If you’ve ever seen a preschooler moving their body to music, you can’t help but smile. There’s a connection between what they hear and how they move, and a freedom of expression that might leave us a little jealous.

Dance is much more than just a fun activity for children. In fact, it’s very beneficial for preschoolers to participate in performing arts, and dance’s connection between music and moves is especially key.

Here’s why:

1. Music and dance engages the brain

Children learn things like sounds, words, and patterns through music. Even before they know the meanings of words, they are able to sing along by mimicking the sounds. With dance, they can explore and control their body movements. They feel that their bodies want to move with the music, and their lack of inhibition means they do just that. These activities are great for development and stimulate connections in the growing brain.

2. It helps cultivate communication skills

Dance classes bring together kids with songs, rhymes and actions lets them discover how to interact and connect with others. The common music and teaching creates a safe space where they explore non-verbal communications. By following the instructor and other children, they develop the ability to assimilate and immitate. Thelistening and social skills that they develop will give them self-confidence and better prepare them for school.

3. Music and Dance allows kids to express themselves

If expressing emotions is tricky for adults, imagine how much harder for toddlers?!? Whether happy, nervous, tired, frustrated or excited, they often can’t find words to share what they are feeling.

Dance is one of the most primal expressions of our connections to the world around us. It is pre-verbal, we use it to express ourselves before we can form words. It is innate in children before they can articulate their thoughts, and can evoke strong thoughts or emotions. Researchers have discovered that infants respond to the rhythm and tempo of music and find it more engaging than speech.
It is important for kids to express themselves whether they are happy, nervous, tired. Dance is a wonderful opportunity for children who can’t yet express themselves in words.
Engaging in creative activities lets kids experience their own emotions and express them in healthy and exploratory ways. It’s a fantastic opportunity for children who aren’t yet able put their thoughts into words. This can lay the ground work for healthy self-regulation as they grow and develop.

4. Physical Literacy

According to the Physical Literacy Association,

Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

Similar to how the ABCs are the foundation of reading and writing, fundamental movement skills are the foundation of physical literacy and active living.

Physical literacy is not something that people ‘achieve’ and then maintain – it is a journey that each person takes throughout their lifetime. Each day, as life transitions and progresses, people face new challenges to stay active daily, maintain a healthy body and mind, and feel confident and competent to participate in physical activity.

Young dancers learn skills like balance, control and coordination. Moving to music is also good aerobic exercise- linked to stress reduction, physical fitness and overall good health. The connections between brain and body that dancing develops will help your child with strength and balance that will be used in all other aspects of their life.

5. Music and dance contribute to creativity and imagination

Today’s children spend more time in front of screens than previous generations, which means they have fewer hours of physical creativity in their day. Music and dance encourages them to be curious and imaginative. This creative outlet can also give them opportunities to learn about other cultures through the arts.

Have Any Question?

We would be more than happy to answer any questions you have, dream with you about your dance ambitions, or discuss any dance-related topics.