
Ascension Dance

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Share THE GIFT Through Dance!

The Gift Dance!

There is so much great energy around Chatham-Kent because of The Gift! One really fun way to get involved and spread the message and the fun is to learn the Gift dance move that has been selected for your community. Find the move below, learn it, shoot video of you and your family and friends performing it, and upload it to be included in The Gift compilation dances!

Post your video on social media, and tag @thegiftck and @ascensiondancechatham to make sure that we see it! Tag your friends and challenge them to learn and share their dance move too!

If you can’t find your community listed below you can pick a dance move that you like the looks of, or make up a new one and teach your friends. For more information email thegift@ascensiondance.ca

Blenheim – Happy Elf

Bothwell – Circle Sway

Chatham North East – Conga

Chatham North West – Three Step Turn

Chatham South East – The Curly Shuffle – Get Curly to teach you in person!

Chatham South West – The Back stroke

Dresden – The Monkey

Erieau – Disco

Highgate – Tornado

Mitchell’s Bay – Rolly Polly

North Buxton – Buxton Shuffle – Michelle is the expert on this one!

Ridgetown & Morpeth – Step Clap

Thamesville – Raise the Roof

Tilbury – Rainbow

Wallaceburg – Sway

Wheatley – The Wave

Shrewbury – The Snorkel