
Ascension Dance

small white ascension wordmark logo with shadow

Dance, where you belong.

brianna dance pose by river

Experience belonging at Ascension Dance

There are many situations  in life when you feel out of place. Kids struggle to fit in at school or extra-curricular activities. Adults contend with cliques at work, or slip into the isolation of chaotic lifestyles.

When you don’t belong, you feel like something is missing. We are made to be social beings, we are wired to be part of a group.

It’s basic, it’s fundamental.

You are at your best when you feel secure and supported, when you know you are accepted, included, seen and heard.

Ascension Dance is a place where you learn dance technique, have fun, express yourself freely, build relationships, and belong.

Be part of something special featured classes

Where do you belong?

discover the various programs and services we SHARE. explore OUR dance training, RECREATIONAL DANCE CLASSES, a digital dance experience, JOIN A DANCE team, AND FILM/THEATRE PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES.

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